Parkside Asia flexo training day

Parkside Asia flexo training day

Earlier in the spring, the Parkside Asia team hosted a successful flexographic training day at our Asian HQ in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


The team were excellent hosts for around 20 attendees and provided a clear demonstration of our commitment to continuous improvement and excellence.


We held the event in partnership with Tesa Tapes, DIC Inks, and plate suppliers Tye Cine and Miraclon. All those involved first gave an in-depth presentation in their own specialist area of print and packaging excellence, sharing knowledge and expertise across the board.


The event then moved into the production area for a live demonstration of plate mounting and print setting.


After lunch, there was a question and answer session where attendees could pose questions to the speakers from earlier in the day and gather further insights. The event finished with a wrap-up meeting to reinforce the key messages of the day.


Once the day ended, feedback was overwhelmingly positive – so much so that we are already planning a second session to take place later in the year.


At Parkside, we use events like this to constantly drive our operational standards higher through knowledge sharing, for the benefit of our customers across the world.


If you are interested in learning more about our open days, or if you would like to attend in future, please contact us today.


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